Nscp 2015 wind load map
Nscp 2015 wind load map

to create an appreciation of the damaging effects of typhoons b. This report summarizes portions of an earlier paper entitled DMAPS Looking Forward: Calling for Typhoon Engineers, presented at the PICE National Convention last November 17-19, The objectives of the paper were: a.

nscp 2015 wind load map

In addition to earthquake which was historically the focus of DQRP, typhoons and other natural hazards were now being discussed. In addition to the response phase and recovery/rehabilitation phase, which historically were the first focus of DQRP, the mitigation phase and preparedness phase of disaster management were now being given due attention. In 2004, the Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers (PICE) launched a national program named Disaster Mitigation and Preparedness Strategies (DMAPS), to complement the earlier Disaster Quick Response Program (DQRP). An average of 9 landfalling typhoons visit the Philippines each year. KEYWORDS: Philippines, NSCP, wind engineering 1 INTRODUCTION: TYPHOON DISASTER MITIGATION EFFORTS BY ENGINEERS The Philippines is considered to be in the Typhoon Alley or Typhoon Gateway of the Pacific northwest. Ideas for future activities and research related to wind engineering, including possible improvements in the NSCP wind loading provisions, are then suggested. A recent review of the the development of wind speed maps in the Philippines, from which much was learned, is summarized.

nscp 2015 wind load map


A brief discussion about the wind loading provisions in the NSCP 2001 (National Structural Code of the Philippines) is presented. Tanzo b a PICE Committee on DMAPS and DQRP, Philippines b Vibrametrics, Inc., Philippines ABSTRACT: Philippine engineers are recently starting to focus on typhoon engineering in general and wind engineering in particular, as strong winds due to typhoons have been shown to have serious damaging effects. 1 Wind Loading Code Provisions in the Philippines and Identified Future Improvements Benito M.

Nscp 2015 wind load map